Die Kepler-Kollektion besteht aus lackiertem, extrudiertem Aluminium, dessen durchgehende Linie durch ein von Nemo entwickeltes dreidimensionales Herstellungsverfahren erzielt wird. Entworfen auf der Grundlage des mathematischen Prinzips des Möbiusbandes. Diffusor aus undurchsichtigem technopolymer.
Arihiro Miyake was born in Japan in 1975. He started his design studies in his motherland at Kobe Design University, then moved to Finland to finish a Master’s degree in furniture and space design at Aalto University. Arihiro Miyake Studio opened in 2014, allowing him to investigate multiple areas including interior, product and lighting design. His collaboration with Nemo started with projects such as In the Wind and Kepler, creating new paradigms in the lighting world.